Prowers County Public Health & Environment
Environmental Health
Serving Prowers, Kiowa, Baca, and Bent Counties

What is Environmental Health?
Environmental Health (EH) is a branch of public health that is concerned with monitoring or mitigating factors in the environment that affect human health, such as air quality (both indoor and outdoor), food that we eat, water that we drink, and chemicals we come into contact with.
Prowers County EH serves all of Prowers, Kiowa, Baca, and Bent Counties. Services offered include retail food licenses and inspections, schools and childcare inspections, community pool inspections, and permits for new septic systems or repairs on existing systems.
Contact Us
Conni Martinez
Environmental Health Manager
1001 S Main St
Lamar, CO 81052
719-336-8721 (office)
719-688-1224 (cell)
Body Art
Body Art means the practice of physical body adornment by establishments or artists utilizing, but not limited to, the techniques of body piercing, tattooing, branding, sculpting, and scarification. This definition does not include practices conducted under the supervision of a physician licensed to practice medicine under Colorado law nor piercing of the outer perimeter or lobe of the ear utilizing sterilized stud-and-clasp ear piercing systems.
Healthy Communities
Healthy Homes
The greatest environmental risk is where we have the greatest control – in our own homes.
Americans spend 90% of their time indoors, and our indoor air quality can be up to 5 times worse than outdoor air quality. Poor indoor air quality is one of the EPA’s top 5 environmental risks.
Help Yourself to a Healthy Home
Healthy Homes Maintenance Checklist
Making Homes Healthier for Families
Recipes for Healthy Household Cleaners - English
Recipes for Healthy Household Cleaners - Spanish
Lead, Mold, & Asbestos
Lead is a highly toxic metal that may cause a range of health problems, especially in young children. When lead is absorbed into the body, it can cause damage to the brain and other vital organs. Lead may also cause behavioral problems, learning disabilities, seizures, and in extreme cases, death. Some symptoms of lead poisoning may include headaches, stomachaches, nausea, tiredness, and irritability. Homes built before 1978 are of particular concern for cracked and peeling paint. Dust from cracked and peeling paint can permeate the air inside your home.
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention – CDC
Steps to Lead Safe Renovation, Repair, and Painting
Molds spores naturally occur in our environment; however, mold can begin growing indoors when the spores come in contact with wet surfaces. There are a variety of molds, but molds will not grow without water or moisture. Molds produce allergens which can cause an allergic reaction and asthma attacks. When cleaning up mold, consider the size of the problem. If the area is less than 3 by 3 feet, it can be cleaned using the natural mold killer found in the Healthy Homes Recipes for Healthy Household Cleaners Recipe Book. Always use a mask while cleaning. Otherwise, seek professional help.
EPA – A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home
Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous material that was a popular building material from the 1950s to 1990s and is still in limited use today. It is now known that asbestos can cause many forms of cancer. Disturbed asbestos (cracked or broken) can cause harmful particles to infiltrate the air in your home. Professional assistance with testing and removal of asbestos is strongly encouraged.
Asbestos and Your Health – CDC
Asbestos: Renovation & Demolition
CDPHE – Is an Asbestos Inspection Required?
Including information about cockroaches, rodents, bats, and bedbugs
Never trap and relocate wildlife! It is illegal for the public to trap and relocate skunks, foxes, and many other types of wildlife in Colorado without a permit or other approval.
For more information on permitted activities, please contact:
Colorado Parks & Wildlife – Lamar Office
2500 S Main
Lamar, CO 81052
Cockroaches are among the most undesirable insect intruders in the home. They are associated with filth and unsanitary conditions, although they occasionally invade the best-kept homes. Cockroaches can cause allergic reactions when sensitive people come into contact with contaminated food or house dust.
Mice and rats can be a nuisance and may spread several diseases to humans, including Hantavirus and Salmonellosis through contact with droppings, urine, saliva, or bites. Getting a rodent problem under control can be very frustrating. The keys to rodent control are sealing, trapping, and cleaning.
How to Seal Up to Prevent Rodent Infestations
How to Trap to Remove a Rodent Infestation
Colorado Parks and Wildlife is asking the public to report the sighting of any active or dead bats​. A special phone line 303-291-7771 is available to report these sightings. CPW would also like to know of any sites, especially in eastern Colorado, that have hibernating bats so biologists can include them in the monitoring effort.
​The public is asked to not disturb hibernating bats and to respect cave closures.
Not only do they pollinate plants and crops, but all of our bats also eat insects. This diet of night-flying insects makes bats important for the control of agricultural and human pests. The little brown bat has been known to catch and eat more than 150 mosquitoes and crop pests in less than 15 minutes!
Colorado Parks and Wildlife Informations on Bats
Colorado Parks and Wildlife Informations on Bats and Rabies
As annoying as bed bugs are, they are NOT a public health threat. Bed bugs are not significant transmitters of disease; however, the bites can be itchy, and scratching the bites could lead to other infections.
A bed bug infestation does not necessarily indicate a lack of cleanliness in any particular home or lodging. Bedbugs can be introduced into even the cleanest, high-end homes, lodging establishments, apartments, or office buildings. Adequate hiding places for the bed bugs (furniture, crevices, cracks, etc.) and a warm-blooded host for blood meals are all that is needed to start an infestation once the pest is introduced. Since bed bugs can be very challenging to control, we recommend calling a professional exterminator. They can work with you to properly identify the pest and suggest an appropriate and effective treatment for the problem.
CSU Extension Information on Bedbugs
Landlord and Tenant Duties Regarding Bed Bugs
Swimming is a fun and healthy way to stay physically active and spend time with family and friends. It is the responsibility of aquatic venue operators and owners, as well as local public health agencies to partner in providing a safe and wholesome experience for community members enjoying public aquatic facilities.
Radon is an invisible, odorless, radioactive gas created during the natural decay of uranium in the soil. Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers and can be found everywhere. Colorado is in Zone 1 for radon, meaning that Colorado homes are statistically more likely to have high radon levels. Radon is drawn into homes and other buildings through cracks and openings in basements, crawl spaces, and slabs. Radon levels vary from house to house and have nothing to do with age, quality, or upkeep of the home.
Citizen’s Guide to Radon – English
Citizen’s Guide to Radon – Spanish
Free short-term radon test kits are available from Prowers County Environmental Health.
Call 719-336-8721 or pick up at 1001 S Main, Lamar, CO 81052.
Test kits are also available at Kiowa, Baca, and Bent County Public Health Departments.
Reducing Radon
If your home has elevated levels of radon above the U.S. EPA’s recommended action level of 4.0 pCi/L (picocuries of radon per liter of air), then a radon reduction system (often referred to as a mitigation system) should be installed.
Fortunately, most mitigation systems cost no more than other common home repairs, ranging from $800 to $1,200.
Certified radon mitigation contractors can be found at:
National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP)
National Radon Safety Board (NRSB)
When hiring a contractor:
Ensure the contract stipulates that the contractor will follow all EPA protocols regarding radon mitigation and will obtain all applicable local permits
Get bids from multiple contractors
Obtain a guarantee that radon levels will be reduced to 4.0 pCi/L or below
Ensure your contractor is bonded and has proof of liability insurance
Consider using the Consumer’s Guide to Radon Reduction when selecting a contractor
Installing a Mitigation System Yourself
If you decide to mitigate yourself, information about mitigation system installation and design is available in the manual Protecting Your Home from Radon, a Step-by-Step Manual for Radon Reduction by D.L. Kladder. It explains everything you need to know about fixing a radon problem in your home.
Financial Assistance for Mitigating Your Home
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s Low Income Radon Mitigation Assistance (LIRMA) program can provide financial assistance to individuals with low-income status for radon mitigation. CDPHE can provide financial assistance of up to $1,500 to individuals with low-income status for radon mitigation services. Homeowners must be a Colorado resident, occupy the property as their primary residence, and qualify as a low-income household.
Low-Income Radon Mitigation Assistance (LIRMA)
News stories that features past LIRMA participants
Retail Food
Starting a Food Business
You will need to submit a plan review application, a set of plans with outlined specifications, and a $100 application fee (payable by cash or check only) to Prowers County Public Health and Environment located at 1001 S Main, Lamar, CO 81052. Plans and specifications must be reviewed and approved before construction is started. A plan review is needed to ensure the establishment will be constructed to meet the current food safety regulations and to help prevent costly construction changes.
When your facility receives approval from the health department to operate, the license application will be approved and the license will be mailed to the establishment. Licenses must be renewed by January of each year, and are valid through December 31 of the licensing year.
How are Food Establishments Licensed?
Licensing Types: Cottage, Retail, or Wholesale
Brick-and-Mortar Restaurants
Mobile Units and Push Carts
Mobile retail food establishments include food trucks, trailers, carts, and mobile food vending operations that sell prepackaged foods that require temperature control for food safety.
Food safety regulations are the same for mobile units as they are for brick-and-mortar restaurants.
Mobile Plan Review Packet - English
Mobile Plan Review Packet - Spanish
Purchasing an Existing Food Business
Food licenses are not transferable from one operator to another or from one location to another. If you are purchasing or opening a retail food establishment that has been previously licensed, you will need to submit a change of ownership packet to start the process of obtaining a license in your name for your establishment.
Cottage Foods Act
In 2012, the Colorado legislature enacted the Colorado Cottage Foods Act, allowing limited types of food products that are non-potentially hazardous (do not require refrigeration for safety) to be sold directly to consumers without licensing or inspections.
Cottage Foods Act Information – CDPHE
Cottage Foods Act Requirements
Cottage Foods Checklist – English
Cottage Foods Checklist – Spanish
Certified Food Protection Manager
One of the major requirements of the Colorado Food Code is that retail food establishments employ at least one Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM). This certification can only be obtained by taking an ANSI-CFP-accredited exam administered by a Certified Proctor or Testing Center. Listed below are exam options for satisfying the requirement. There is associated training available for each exam. It is not mandatory to purchase training materials if you are confident in your food safety knowledge and want to proceed directly to taking a Certified Food Protection Manager exam.
Colorado Food Code Changes
Beginning on March 16, 2024, the Colorado Food Code has adopted the FDA 2022 Food Code. Below is a list of the top 5 changes to the current code.
Top 5 Changes to the Colorado Food Code
Schools and Childcare
Environmental Health is responsible for the inspection of schools to ensure compliance with the Rules and Regulation Governing Schools in the State of Colorado. Schools with laboratory facilities and vocational classrooms are inspected annually. Lower risk schools such as elementary schools are inspected every three years.
School Health and Safety Regulations
Guide for a Successful School Inspection
Chemical Management Guidance for Schools
Chemical Hygiene Plan Template
Restricted and Prohibited Chemical List
Child care centers are inspected every other year — unless there are infants being cared for, in which inspections take place every year — to ensure compliance with the Rules and Regulations Governing the Sanitation of Child Care Centers in the State of Colorado.
Guide for a Successful Childcare Inspection
Recommended Immunizations for Children – Birth through 6 years old
Recommended Illness Policy for Children and Staff
Septic Permitting
A septic system or on-site wastewater treatment system (OWTS) is a self-contained, underground wastewater treatment system, most often used in rural areas. The standard septic system involves a septic tank (to hold wastewater from drainpipes until solids settle out in the tank) and a system of pipes that distributes the remaining liquid waste underground over a large area — the leach field. The goal is to make sure that this filtration through the soil is sufficient to clean the wastewater before it reaches drinking water well sources or surface waters.
State and county laws require a permit to be issued before constructing or repairing a septic system.
Homeowner’s Guide to Septic Systems
Septic System Application Packet:
Example Blueprint for Septic System
Example Blueprint for Septic System 2
Fee Schedule
Application, Site Inspection, Final Inspection (New and Replacement) – $100
Soil Evaluation done by Prowers County Environmental Health – $250
*Call 719-336-8721 to schedule*